
8 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Social Cognition' Principle

This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #82 - Give your pricing plans relatable, helpful names

The names you use for your pricing plans can really make a difference. By using names that your customers are familiar with, you will trigger an immediate emotional response that will enhance their positivity…

A/B Testing Idea #125 - Utilize your customer's details to customize your content offering

Your customer will feel more involved in and connected with your content if you make use of their name to give it a personalised touch. A natural tendency we experience is "implicit egotism"…

A/B Testing Idea #126 - Draw in your customer by using "we"

By using a personal pronoun instead of an impersonal form, you immediately involve your customer in the situation or product you're referencing, which will trigger a subtle emotional response and …

A/B Testing Idea #131 - If you don't know their name, use "you" or "your" to personalise the message

By using a personal pronoun instead of an impersonal form, you immediately involve your customer in the situation or product you're referencing, which will trigger a subtle emotional response and …

A/B Testing Idea #171 - Customize your discount promotions by integrating your user's name/details

Your customer will feel more involved in and connected with your coupon code - and therefore be more likely to use it - if you make use of their name to give it a personalised touch. A natural tendency…

A/B Testing Idea #174 - Display specific Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) based on your target customer

Studies have shown that most people associate positively with themselves and things that are either connected to them or that they can identify with. This is why it is so important to ensure that you…

A/B Testing Idea #192 - Display contextual details (such as location) to allow users to identify with the reviewer

Featured testimonials will be more credible if your users can identify with the reviewers and view them as real people rather than just disconnected words on the screen. Contextual details like location…

A/B Testing Idea #295 - Prioritise uncommon landing pages

We tend to better remember the things that affects us directly. Thus the fact of creating a landing page that emotionally affects your customers or create an original landing page is a good way to stay…

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