
A/B Testing Idea #260 - Prioritise pictures, visual elements over lone text

Tactic_Prioritise pictures, visual elements over lone text


“A picture paints a thousand words”. Indeed, the human brain learns and retains information much better when it comes in the form of images rather than words. Images do not require translation, the meaning is immediate. Presenting an image instead of - or at least as well as - accompanying text will allow your customers to better understand and remember the message you are trying to get across.

Inspired by Nick Kolenda 


  • Processing Efficacy (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981)
  • Picture Superiority Effect (Paivio, 1971; Hockey, 2008)

The Research

Processing Efficacy

We tend to prefer things that are simple for us to understand or use.

Picture Superiority Effect

Picture Superiority Effect is the way that we tend to remember images for much longer than words, so using images alongside text or even using images alone is much more effective than just using text.

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