5 A/B Testing Ideas Used By Livechat
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #13 - Offer free trials
Offering a free trial enables potential customers to experience the benefits of your product or service without making them commit. This cuts out the negative feelings associated with making a payment…

A/B Testing Idea #54 - The 4 Ws "Who, What, Where, Why" - Ensure that your homepage addresses all of these
Your homepage is most usually the first page your customers will arrive on when they visit your website and so it is vital that it is clear, easy to understand and gives them as much information as they…

A/B Testing Idea #68 - Put your default pricing plan in the middle and make it more visible
When you have a default pricing plan (the option you would prefer people to choose) then you can influence how attractive this option is by making it stand out from the others. Placing it in the middle…

A/B Testing Idea #77 - When possible, get rid of the decimal point in the price tag
Whenever possible, remove the decimal point from your pricing as it is not necessary and adds a little extra cognitive strain for your customer. The clearer you can make things the better as people want…

A/B Testing Idea #85 - Decrease the number of fields necessary to complete a form
Don't ask your customers for too much information in your initial sign up form. This is likely to put them off as they won't want to spend the time or the mental energy on filling out multiple…

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