4 A/B Testing Ideas Used By Paypal
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #255 - Utilize numerical values to convey more persuasive messages
Most people have a strong tendency to ignore generic and basic information and prefer to focus on recent or specific information. Therefore, in your content and titles, insist on statistics or specific…

A/B Testing Idea #257 - Avoid facial distraction by using face images to direct attention to the call-to-action
Beware of images! On the one hand, it's true that a user retains what is contained in an image more than in text. But be careful - if you use an image of a face that is looking directly at the user…

A/B Testing Idea #261 - Instead of trying too hard to sell, be more specific in your sales argument
Arguments or tag-lines that are too fluffy and reminiscent of an unfounded sales pitch - such as "our customers love us" or "our software is very reliable" - can be effective in the…

A/B Testing Idea #262 - Prioritise 1st person pronouns
The power of "we" or "our" is not to be underestimated. We are social and group-dwelling beings, people, and we feel most comfortable and positive when we are included as part of a…

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