
A/B Testing Idea #35 - Display customer testimonials right under the product

Tactic_Display customer testimonials right under the product


If you have positive reviews about your products or services then make sure they are clearly displayed; showing this "social proof" from your customer's peers is an effective persuasion technique.

Research has shown that we have a strong tendency to copy others' choices when we are hesitating on a decision, but also seeing that someone else has has had a positive experience will give more confidence in making a purchase.


  • Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954; Thorton & Arrowood, 1966)
  • Social Proof (Sherif, 1935; Asch, 1956)
  • Base rate fallacy (D. Kahneman)

The Research

Social Comparison Theory

Social Comparison Theory centres on the belief that individuals prefer to evaluate themselves through comparison to others, unhappy with absolute outcomes.

Social Proof

Social Proof is a type of conformity. When a person is in a situation where they are unsure of the correct way to behave, they will often look to others for cues concerning the correct behaviour.

Base rate fallacy

Base Rate Fallacy also known as base rate neglect is an error which occurs when the prior base rates are neglected in favour of the latest piece of information presented. In other words, it is the mind's tendency to ignore statistic and base rates. 

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