A/B Testing Idea #270 - Accurately indicate delivery time frames, including restrictions

To display delivery time in weeks or in days? That is the question... The answer is actually pretty simple. During the purchase process the customer will focus on the numbers themselves and they will be hoping for immediacy so it is best to keep the numbers as low as possible (therefore using weeks instead of days, for example). Afterwards, when customers are waiting for the delivery, they will focus on the time units instead to gain an overall impression of how far away it is so it is best to concentrate on reducing the time units (therefore using days instead of weeks, etc.).
Inspired by Nick Kolenda
- Ambiguity Effect (Ellsberg, 1961)
- Information Bias (Baron; Beattie & Hershey, 1988)
The Research
Ambiguity Effect
The Ambiguity Effect describes people’s preference for known risks over unknown risks.
Information Bias
The tendency to seek out information, thinking that it will lead us to make a better decision, even when that information is of no real help.

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