A/B Testing Idea #307 - Add conditions before letting users enact irreversible changes, such as deleting their account

For instance, do not allow your customers to accidentally delete their project on your SaaS platform. Indeed, it is happening often that a person unintentionally deletes his work. Prevent this by asking him to confirm by writing "DELETE" in capital letter to avoid this kind of accidents that can really make your customers dissatisfied. This can also be applied to other important changes such as the launch of a test, etc.
Inspired by Nick Kolenda
- Zeigarnik Effect (Zeigarnik, 1920)
- Need for Certainty/Uncertainty (Kagan, 1972)
The Research
Zeigarnik Effect
Incomplete tasks stick in your mind more than ones you have completed.
Need for Certainty/Uncertainty
The paradox between the fact that our brain likes to know what is going on and to feel certain, and the fact that uncertainty is also a human need and can lead to action and creativity.

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