A/B Testing Idea #7 - Choose a contrasting button colour and size for your Call-to-Action

The objective of a Call-to-Action (CTA) button is to encourage your visitors to do something specific. Choosing a contrasting button colour and size will make it more prominent on your page so that your visitors are more likely to click on it.
People will notice and remember an element that stands out. Your visitors will be drawn to this notably different item on your page, which in this case will be your CTA button with its contrasting colour and size.
- Von Restorff Effect (Von Restorff, 1933; Gardner, 1983; Taylor & Fiske, 1978)
The Research
Von Restorff Effect
An effect named after the psychiatrist who first studied it (Hedwig von Restorff), whereby individuals take note of and remember unusual or unique items more rapidly than other more uniform items.
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