A/B Testing Idea #192 - Display contextual details (such as location) to allow users to identify with the reviewer

Featured testimonials will be more credible if your users can identify with the reviewers and view them as real people rather than just disconnected words on the screen.
Contextual details like location or name will help evoke an immediate connection from users and they will be more inclined to trust the reviews and therefore base their purchase decisions on them.
- Social Proof (Sherif, 1935; Asch, 1956)
- Social Cognition (Pelham; Carvallo & Jones, 2003)
The Research
Social Proof
Social Proof is a type of conformity. When a person is in a situation where they are unsure of the correct way to behave, they will often look to others for cues concerning the correct behaviour.
Social Cognition
Social Cognition explains the way that most people associate positively with themselves and therefore tend to prefer things that are connected to them.

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