A/B Testing Idea #274 - Display text in such a manner that it focuses the attention to the Call-to-action

Our brains form the majority of the images we “see” and like to be given direction about what to focus on so using visual cues help to draw attention towards certain elements. Lead your visitor's attention towards the Call-to-Action using the layout of your text. For example, centre the text and give it a funnel shape that points directly at the Call-to-Action button. This will attract your customer's attention and encourage them to click.
- Von Restorff Effect (Von Restorff, 1933; Gardner, 1983; Taylor & Fiske, 1978)
- Visual Cueing (Posner, 1980; Hommel; Pratt; Colzato & Godijn, 2001; Tipples, 2002)
The Research
Von Restorff Effect
An effect named after the psychiatrist who first studied it (Hedwig von Restorff), whereby individuals take note of and remember unusual or unique items more rapidly than other more uniform items.
Visual Cueing
Our brains form the majority of the images we “see” and like to be given direction about what to focus on so using visual cues, like arrows, help to draw attention towards certain elements.

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