A/B Testing Idea #287 - Do not shy away from sharing crucial information for no compensation
It is proven that we are more likely to give something to someone if they have given something to us already - the desire to reciprocate such behaviour is strong and can certainly lead to action and conversion. Giving your visitors information or knowledge for free will activate this desire to give something back. So your customers will be more inclined to buy, register or subscribe if you have previously provided them something they deemed useful. This needn't be anything too spectacular - simply letting them know that you are offering free delivery or a discount coupon etc. will trigger this reciprocity bias.
- Reciprocity Principle (Cialdini, 2006; Coffee, 2013; Wedekind & Milinski, 2000)
The Research
Reciprocity Principle
The reciprocity principle is based on the “give and take” idea: if you provide me with something of value, I will be more likely to provide you with something of value in return.
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