
A/B Testing Idea #301 - Limit human error by disabling or replacing your call-to-action after users select it

Tactic_Limit human error by disabling or replacing your call-to-action after users select it


Once your customer clicks on a Call-to-Action, disable or remove it to indicate that they have already clicked once and the action has been performed. This will prevent your customer from being tempted to click a second time and create issues like putting the same product in the basket twice or submitting a form multiple times, for instance.

Inspired by Nick Kolenda


  • Cognitive Ease (Khaneman, 2011)
  • Processing Efficacy (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981)
  • Need for Certainty/Uncertainty (Kagan, 1972)

The Research

Cognitive Ease

The ease with which our brain processes information and how the level of ease impacts how positively we feel about something.

Processing Efficacy

We tend to prefer things that are simple for us to understand or use.

Need for Certainty/Uncertainty

The paradox between the fact that our brain likes to know what is going on and to feel certain, and the fact that uncertainty is also a human need and can lead to action and creativity.

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