A/B Testing Idea #73 - Make the free plan less visible

By making the free plan less visible, you will automatically draw attention to the other (paid) plans offered as they will stand out visually on the page.
It is important to display your free offer but if it is too visible then your customers will consider it in an equal manner to your other available plans and these might seem less attractive comparatively. In fact, if they see the free plan first they might not even take the time to look at your other plans.
By using this technique, visitors will firstly take in the most visible information presented and use this as their anchoring point, which will ultimately force them to consider the benefits they'd be missing out on with the free plan, increasing the likelihood they'll go for one of the paid plans instead.
- Perceived Value Pricing (Lee & Zhao, 2014; Poundstone, 2010; Mazumdar; Raj; Sinha, 2005; Thomas; Simon; Kadiyali, 2007)
- Anchoring Effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974)
The Research
Perceived Value Pricing
Perceived Value Pricing explains how our perceptions of a price and its value can be altered depending on how it is presented to us.
Anchoring Effect
The Anchoring Effect describes the way in which people utilise the first piece of information they receive as a point of reference for making judgements about subsequent pieces of information.

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