A/B Testing Idea #44 - Offer multiple delivery options, including Express

Offering multiple delivery options is important both to offer choice to the customer but also for the possibility of further profit made on that purchase.
Customers like to have a sense of control over their purchasing and different delivery options are always appreciated.
Research has shown that we are more drawn towards immediate gratification and so the possibility of quicker delivery time may be the factor that encourages them to complete their purchase and will also add another profitable element on to the purchase for you.
- Autonomy bias (Deci, 1971; Ryan, 2008)
- Immediacy effect (Ainslie, 1975; Laibson, 1997; Bickel; Odum & Madden, 1999; Frederick; Loewenstein & O’Donoghue, 2002)
The Research
Autonomy bias
We prefer situations that we have control over.
Immediacy effect
The Immediacy Effect is a cognitive bias that leads people, when presented with two similar possible things, to have a greater desire for the one that will arrive or take place soonest. This even leads us to prefer an immediate reward over a higher-value, delayed reward.

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