
A/B Testing Idea #259 - Prioritise active over passive voice

Tactic_Prioritise active over passive voice


Make simple, concise sentences in the active voice to simplify the understanding and impact of your message. A grammatically complex sentence will not have the same immediate effect on the mind of your customer and will thus have a lower level of persuasion. Instead, a simple sentence in the active voice allows your readers to digest your message more easily, inciting a more positive reaction. Also, try making your customer perform the action rather than be the recipient of it to involve them immediately and personally. For example "you will spend hours enjoying this product" rather than "this product will be loved by everyone".

Inspired by Nick Kolenda 


  • Cognitive Ease (Khaneman, 2011)
  • Processing Efficacy (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981)

The Research

Cognitive Ease

The ease with which our brain processes information and how the level of ease impacts how positively we feel about something.

Processing Efficacy

We tend to prefer things that are simple for us to understand or use.

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