A/B Testing Idea #161 - Through cookies, save products in the shopping cart for a certain period

Reserving products in the shopping basket for a limited time only with motivate your customers to complete their purchases.
The sense of urgency combined with the idea that they may miss out on the product or a special offer will make the products seem more desirable and encourage customers to make their purchases before the time runs out.
- Scarcity (Worchel; Lee & Adewole, 1975)
- Immediacy effect (Ainslie, 1975; Laibson, 1997; Bickel; Odum & Madden, 1999; Frederick; Loewenstein & O’Donoghue, 2002)
The Research
The Scarcity effect is the cognitive bias that makes people place a higher value on an object that is scarce and a lower value on one that is available in abundance.
Immediacy effect
The Immediacy Effect is a cognitive bias that leads people, when presented with two similar possible things, to have a greater desire for the one that will arrive or take place soonest. This even leads us to prefer an immediate reward over a higher-value, delayed reward.

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