A/B Testing Idea #265 - Utilize numbers in your header

It has been shown that a title containing numbers attract our look more often and therefore would increase the conversion rate. These figures don't need to be very sophisticated. "30-day free trial" instead of a simple "try our product for free" is sufficient.
- Motivating-Uncertainty Effect (Skinner, 1950; Moon & Nelson, 2014; Klein & Fishbach, 2014)
- Perceived Value Pricing (Lee & Zhao, 2014; Poundstone, 2010; Mazumdar; Raj; Sinha, 2005; Thomas; Simon; Kadiyali, 2007)
The Research
Motivating-Uncertainty Effect
Introducing a degree of uncertainty to a rewards-based system can increase people’s investment in completing a task successfully.
Perceived Value Pricing
Perceived Value Pricing explains how our perceptions of a price and its value can be altered depending on how it is presented to us.
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