
A/B Testing Idea #98 - Ask yourself if your call-to-action is persuasive enough

Tactic_Ask yourself if your call-to-action is persuasive enough


You want your Call-to-Action (CTA) text to tell people immediately why they should click on it and to help persuade your visitors to proceed forward with a positive action. Using engaging and persuasive text instead of simply the options "yes" or "no" is a simple way to improve the effectiveness of your CTA.

People are likely to make decisions just based on one or two distinguishable features and so if you can engage their interest with just one thing at this point then this could be enough to persuade them.


  • Need for Certainty/Uncertainty (Kagan, 1972)
  • Focusing Effect (Schkade & Kahneman, 1998)

The Research

Need for Certainty/Uncertainty

The paradox between the fact that our brain likes to know what is going on and to feel certain, and the fact that uncertainty is also a human need and can lead to action and creativity.

Focusing Effect

The Focusing Effect (or Focusing Illusion as it is otherwise known) is the way in which the human mind places too much emphasis on certain limited factors when making decisions.

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