
A/B Testing Idea #281 - Be careful when using special characters, faults could decrease your credibility

Tactic_ Be careful when using special characters, faults could decrease your credibility


When you create a web page, be careful that you don't have any accidental character faults due to coding problems or lack of care. The kind of symbols that are often seen on web pages, such as ▢ ø, which don't mean anything and have obviously arrived there by mistake, can really affect the credibility of a page and a company. It's not a very complicated error to rectify but it is worth taking the time to do so unless it should have serious consequences for your sales.


  • Zero-Risk Bias (Baron; Gowda & Kunreuther, 1993)
  • Processing Efficacy (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981)

The Research

Zero-Risk Bias

Zero-risk bias explains our tendency to prefer options that have absolutely no risk attached to them, even if they don’t offer as significant rewards and other options may have been more advantageous in the long run.

Processing Efficacy

We tend to prefer things that are simple for us to understand or use.

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