A/B Testing Idea #24 - Bundle products and offer 1-click "Add to Basket"

Offering a 1-click "add to basket" option both speeds up the paying process and makes it seem as though only one purchase is being made rather than multiple individual purchases. This will help customers avoid the negative feelings associated with spending money.
Indeed, research has shown that the act of paying really disrupts the pleasure of an experience and that the more obvious, tangible or transparent the payment is, the less we enjoy making purchases, and the more likely we are to back out.
By paying for a number of items as quickly as if you if you were paying for just one, the pain of paying is not felt 'to be corrolated' to the extra money being spent.
- Pain of Paying (Prelec & Loewenstein, 1998)
The Research
Pain of Paying
The Pain of Paying explains how the act of paying reduces the pleasure of our purchase and that this “pain of paying” is affected by both the timing between payment and consumption and by the mode of payment.

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