A/B Testing Idea #14 - Display the number of "likes" next to your product

Displaying the number of people who have already "liked" your product is an effective persuasion tool.
Research has shown that we have a strong tendency to copy others' choices and behaviour - especially when when we are hesitating on a decision - and this form of "social proof" taps in to our desire to follow in the behavioural footsteps of our peers and will automatically attach a positive bias towards that product.
It will encourage them not only to purchase the product but also to "like" the product themselves which will augment your product's visibility online.
- Social Proof (Sherif, 1935; Asch, 1956)
The Research
Social Proof
Social Proof is a type of conformity. When a person is in a situation where they are unsure of the correct way to behave, they will often look to others for cues concerning the correct behaviour.

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