A/B Testing Idea #202 - Don't ask for any non-essential information during the checkout process

When your visitors are in the process of completing their checkout then you don't want to do anything to distract them from this. Don't therefore ask for any non-essential information during this process that might divide attention, annoy or confuse.
If there is information you feel might be useful to gather then wait until the primary action has been completed - i.e. wait until the purchase is complete - so that your customer can fully concentrate on one task at a time.
Essential information to be gathered during the checkout process should include not only credit card details but billing and delivery addresses, a phone number and email as this will build customer trust in your service and make subsequent communication much easier.
- Cognitive Friction (Sweller, 1988)
- Paradox of Choice (Schwartz, 2004)
The Research
Cognitive Friction
Learning happens best under conditions that are aligned with human cognitive architecture.
Paradox of Choice
The Paradox of Choice explains the fact that having too much choice can in fact lead individuals to reach less effective and satisfactory decisions that they would have if presented with less choice.

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