A/B Testing Idea #87 - Embed in your call-to-action some of your value propositions
Your Call-to-Action text is important as it is the final step before the conversion and so is the final point at which you can convince customers to follow through and click on that button.
Use the text to reinforce a benefit, reminding them immediately of one of the reasons they should want to act.
People are likely to make decisions just based on one or two distinguishable features and so if you can reinforce one of the benefits at this stage, they may make their decision to act based on this one thing alone.
- Focusing Effect (Schkade & Kahneman, 1998)
The Research
Focusing Effect
The Focusing Effect (or Focusing Illusion as it is otherwise known) is the way in which the human mind places too much emphasis on certain limited factors when making decisions.
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