
A/B Testing Idea #138 - Focus on the multitude characteristics of your products rather than on listing the technical specifications

Tactic_Focus on the multitude characteristics of your products rather than on listing the technical specifications


On your product page, it is best to list all available features rather than just choosing to display a few of the main ones.

People are generally more drawn towards products with lots of features and will find a long list clearly displaying everything they will get more persuasive.

When we are choosing which products to buy or whether to upgrade to a newer model, we often concentrate on what we will have rather than what we will actually use.

So it doesn't matter if only 3 of the features are the ones most people will really make use of, the more features you can let people know they will have, the more likely they will be to desire the product.

Inspired by Nick Kolenda 


  • Having vs Using effect (Kahn & Meyer, 1991; Mukherjee & Hoyer, 2001; Hamilton & Thompson, 2007; Goodman & Irmak, 2012)

The Research

Having vs Using effect

The Having vs Using Effect explains our tendency to prefer and be willing to pay more for products or services that offer more functions, even if we’re unlikely to actually make use of them.

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