A/B Testing Idea #296 - If connected via Facebook, indicate how many friends have purchased or signed up
If you offer your customers the option to sign in using Facebook then make the most of this advantage. Indeed, using Facebook is a good way to quickly access data about a customer but that's not the only benefit. You can also use it to help persuade them to make a purchase, by displaying those of their Facebook friends who have liked, used, talked about, or purchased the products from your site. When we are unsure on which decision to make, studies show that we tend to imitate others' behaviour - and none will be more persuasive than that of people we know. We will automatically think that if one of our friends purchased or liked a particular product, then it must be good. The product is given immediate credibility and extra desirability, which will influence conversion rate.
- Social Proof (Sherif, 1935; Asch, 1956)
- Mere-exposure Effect (Fechner, 1875; Zajonc, 1960)
The Research
Social Proof
Social Proof is a type of conformity. When a person is in a situation where they are unsure of the correct way to behave, they will often look to others for cues concerning the correct behaviour.
Mere-exposure Effect
The Mere-exposure Effect is the way in which a positive reaction can be induced simply from familiarity with something.
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