
A/B Testing Idea #177 - In the check-out page, indicate testimonials from customers who also bought the same product below the call-to-action

Tactic_In the check-out page, indicate testimonials from customers who also bought the same product below the call-to-action


By placing testimonials from other customers who have previously bought your product or service just before the final stage of payment, you are offering reassurance to your customers by showing them how others have both safely made payment and enjoyed their purchase.

If people feel unsure about the security of their online payment they are unlikely to continue on whereas the "social proof" provided by their peers in the form of customer testimonials will help to invoke positive feelings towards the payment process. This reassurance and positivity will increase the likelihood of them following through and finalising payment.


  • Cognitive Dissonance (Festinger, 1957)

The Research

Cognitive Dissonance

We prefer it when all our attitudes and beliefs are held in harmony and, when they aren’t, this produces an uncomfortable and detrimental Cognitive Dissonance.

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