A/B Testing Idea #128 - Leverage the strength in displaying numbers rather than percentages to indicate amounts of individuals

Your visitors will perceive the same information in different ways depending on how you present it to them, It's therefore important to ensure you present information using appropriate values or framing so that it is interpreted in the most positive way possible.
When giving information related to people (number of members, subscribers, customers, etc.) using a percentage is quite impersonal and takes away from the effect of this information; it's preferable to add a human dimension through presenting your statistics in numbers instead.
Customers are more likely to connect and identify with people when presented in this way (thinking of them as real individuals and attaching an emotional human response to them) over a nameless percentage and will therefore give more weight to their opinions.
Inspired by Nick Kolenda
- Framing Effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981; O’Keefe & Jensen, 2008)
The Research
Framing Effect
The Framing Effect is a cognitive bias that explains how people will react differently to messages and choices depending on how it is presented to them.

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