A/B Testing Idea #75 - Place your price at the bottom left corner of the screen

It has been proven that our perception of the value of a price can be influenced by the way it is visually presented to us. People tend to think of numbers on an imaginary horizontal line, with numbers growing larger from left to right. They also associate something low on the page with a lower price, and something higher on the page with a higher price. Therefore, positioning prices towards the bottom-left of the page will unconsciously make the visitor perceive the price as smaller.
Inspired by Nick Kolenda
- Magnitude Encoding Process (Oppenheimer; LeBoeuf & Brewer, 2007; Coulter & Coulter, 2005; Thomas & Morwitz, 2005)
The Research
Magnitude Encoding Process
The way in which we perceive pricing can be affected by the way in which it is presented to us and so making use of size, placement or colour, for example, can influence how small the price appears to be.

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