A/B Testing Idea #196 - Provide reassurance by displaying trust symbols
Trust symbols are a great and immediately impactful way to reassure your customers by showing that they can make a payment securely.
Even a small factor of uncertainty can disrupt the payment process. Research has shown that people associate negative feelings with the act of spending money and so any reassurance and positive certainty you can convey to your customers will help to increase the likelihood of a payment being completed.
- Cognitive Dissonance (Festinger, 1957)
- Pain of Paying (Prelec & Loewenstein, 1998)
The Research
Cognitive Dissonance
We prefer it when all our attitudes and beliefs are held in harmony and, when they aren’t, this produces an uncomfortable and detrimental Cognitive Dissonance.
Pain of Paying
The Pain of Paying explains how the act of paying reduces the pleasure of our purchase and that this “pain of paying” is affected by both the timing between payment and consumption and by the mode of payment.
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