A/B Testing Idea #37 - Remove the Category drop-down menu from your homepage

The category bars and their drop-down menus are standard on most websites, but it's not always the best way to present the product category. These drop-down menus often offer a poor user experience, with very little information, no pictures and often they can disappear before a user has been able to click on their chosen category.
Therefore, removing the categories from the menu bar and the drop-down menus and instead highlighting your categories on the page itself will have more impact on your users. The list of categories should contain at least a title and an image, and ideally a quick description. This will help your visitors to have a visual overview of the type of products that are available on your site and they will be more inclined to click and continue their visit.
- Split-attention Effect (Tarmizi & Sweller, 1988)
- Paradox of Choice (Schwartz, 2004)
- Intention and Self-regulation (Gollwitzer, 1993-1999)
- Picture Superiority Effect (Paivio, 1971; Hockey, 2008)
The Research
Split-attention Effect
The Split-attention Effect is the way in which human cognitive processing isn’t as receptive to information that is presented separately as when it is combined into one easily digestible format.
Paradox of Choice
The Paradox of Choice explains the fact that having too much choice can in fact lead individuals to reach less effective and satisfactory decisions that they would have if presented with less choice.
Intention and Self-regulation
Setting a very precise intention regarding how you are going to reach a certain goal can double or even triple your chances of reaching it.
Picture Superiority Effect
Picture Superiority Effect is the way that we tend to remember images for much longer than words, so using images alongside text or even using images alone is much more effective than just using text.

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