
A/B Testing Idea #179 - Seek a gradual engagement, over a hurried signup

Tactic_Seek a gradual engagement, over a hurried signup


Making a form easy and fun to fill in will encourage people to complete it and convert. Starting your form by asking for a lot of personal information will annoy people and they are more likely to abandon the signup process.

Asking a simple question at first will help people become engaged and complete the form. You could ask them an easy question related to the registration process, such as "how big is your team?". After they've done this you can move them on to the next stage of the form and as they've already become engaged they are more likely to convert.

Inspired by Nick Kolenda


  • Zeigarnik Effect (Zeigarnik, 1920)
  • Processing Efficacy (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981)
  • Foot-in-the-door Technique (FITD) (Freedman & Fraser, 1966)

The Research

Zeigarnik Effect

Incomplete tasks stick in your mind more than ones you have completed.

Processing Efficacy

We tend to prefer things that are simple for us to understand or use.

Foot-in-the-door Technique (FITD)

FITD is a technique whereby you first work on getting a small yes to then hopefully get an even bigger one.

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