A/B Testing Idea #76 - Utilize smaller font sizes to indicate price to pay

Using a smaller font size for your pricing is doubly effective. Firstly, it of course makes the price more subtle and so doesn't automatically draw people's attention towards the fact of paying and how much money they will have to part with to have the product.
Secondly, it has been proven that we associate small visual stimuli with small numerical values and so the smaller the physical size of the price, the smaller people will perceive the price to be.
Inspired by Nick Kolenda
- Magnitude Encoding Process (Oppenheimer; LeBoeuf & Brewer, 2007; Coulter & Coulter, 2005; Thomas & Morwitz, 2005)
The Research
Magnitude Encoding Process
The way in which we perceive pricing can be affected by the way in which it is presented to us and so making use of size, placement or colour, for example, can influence how small the price appears to be.
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