2 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Gaze Cueing' Principle
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #102 - If human pictures are used, the gaze should point towards crucial parts of your website
As humans, we have a natural, innate tendency to follow's others' gazes. It is an important social stimulus and often the way we learn about the world as we are growing up. This can therefore…

A/B Testing Idea #257 - Avoid facial distraction by using face images to direct attention to the call-to-action
Beware of images! On the one hand, it's true that a user retains what is contained in an image more than in text. But be careful - if you use an image of a face that is looking directly at the user…
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