
3 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Base Rate Fallacy' Principle

This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #35 - Display customer testimonials right under the product

If you have positive reviews about your products or services then make sure they are clearly displayed; showing this "social proof" from your customer's peers is an effective persuasion …

A/B Testing Idea #255 - Utilize numerical values to convey more persuasive messages

Most people have a strong tendency to ignore generic and basic information and prefer to focus on recent or specific information. Therefore, in your content and titles, insist on statistics or specific…

A/B Testing Idea #295 - Prioritise uncommon landing pages

We tend to better remember the things that affects us directly. Thus the fact of creating a landing page that emotionally affects your customers or create an original landing page is a good way to stay…

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