
6 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Immediacy Effect' Principle

This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #44 - Offer multiple delivery options, including Express

Offering multiple delivery options is important both to offer choice to the customer but also for the possibility of further profit made on that purchase. Customers like to have a sense of control …

A/B Testing Idea #96 - Create urgency by giving a limited timeframe for fast delivery

Offering fast delivery time is a strong motivator for your customers to complete a purchase as we always prefer to take an option that results in quicker gratification. What's more, as you'…

A/B Testing Idea #161 - Through cookies, save products in the shopping cart for a certain period

Reserving products in the shopping basket for a limited time only with motivate your customers to complete their purchases. The sense of urgency combined with the idea that they may miss out on the…

A/B Testing Idea #193 - Add a countdown timer for earliest delivery times

By adding a countdown timer showing how long they have left to purchase a product in order to get it delivered at the earliest possible time, a sense of urgency is added which will make the customer more…

A/B Testing Idea #285 - Offer the possibility to postpone payment

Offering the possibility to postpone payment of a purchase will make the price of the item become less relevant to the buyer. Instead of thinking about the price, they will be thinking about the fact …

A/B Testing Idea #324 - Utilize written content which slightly contradicts what the user wants to do

The more confident you user feels in navigating your website and completing tasks, the better experience they will have and the more likely they will be to convert. Report potential errors to your customers…

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