4 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Reciprocity Principle' Principle
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #1 - Offer a free upgrade
Providing a free upgrade is a strategy based on the "give and take" idea: you provide your client with something of value (a free upgrade) so that they are more likely to give something in return…

A/B Testing Idea #173 - Offer a FREE upgrade to a better delivery option with first purchase or referal
Providing a free upgrade to express delivery for new customers is a strategy based on the "give and take" idea: you provide your client with something of value (free express delivery) so that…

A/B Testing Idea #286 - Hand out free gifts with products bought
The promise of a free gift is a strong incentive to get people to buy. Studies have shown that people are likely to feel compelled to give something back when they receive something for free (it's…

A/B Testing Idea #287 - Do not shy away from sharing crucial information for no compensation
It is proven that we are more likely to give something to someone if they have given something to us already - the desire to reciprocate such behaviour is strong and can certainly lead to action and conversion…

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