7 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Attentional Bias' Principle
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #92 - Indicate your primary Call-to-action twice or more
It is almost always better to display your Call-to-Action (CTA) as a button rather than a simple link as it will both attract your user's attention and make it clear that it is a CTA ready to be clicked…

A/B Testing Idea #94 - Ensure that your call-to-action appears above the fold
The "fold" is the line that separates the visible part of your webpage from the part that will only be visible once your visitor scrolls down. Your Call-To-Action (CTA) button should always …

A/B Testing Idea #103 - Create a sense of trust by focusing users' attention to pictures they can relate to
Don't simply use random images on your website; it is best to encourage your customers to identify with the image. For instance, if you sell DIY products to private individuals, the most effective…

A/B Testing Idea #137 - Increase the size of terms which convey sentiments
Words that convey emotion are important parts of your content as these are trigger words that will elicit a response and engagement from your visitor. Studies have shown that we pay more attention …

A/B Testing Idea #255 - Utilize numerical values to convey more persuasive messages
Most people have a strong tendency to ignore generic and basic information and prefer to focus on recent or specific information. Therefore, in your content and titles, insist on statistics or specific…

A/B Testing Idea #277 - Avoid showing your Call-to-action more than once on the same page
Don't be tempted to display the same information twice in two different locations on your page (if it is a one-screen page that doesn't require any scrolling) because this will make it too busy…

A/B Testing Idea #295 - Prioritise uncommon landing pages
We tend to better remember the things that affects us directly. Thus the fact of creating a landing page that emotionally affects your customers or create an original landing page is a good way to stay…

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