6 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Picture Superiority Effect' Principle
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #37 - Remove the Category drop-down menu from your homepage
The category bars and their drop-down menus are standard on most websites, but it's not always the best way to present the product category. These drop-down menus often offer a poor user experience…

A/B Testing Idea #58 - Show more than 3 high-resolution product images
Product images are an important element of your product page. In fact, people react far more strongly to visuals than to text and it allows them to form a more emotional and personal attachment to the…

A/B Testing Idea #103 - Create a sense of trust by focusing users' attention to pictures they can relate to
Don't simply use random images on your website; it is best to encourage your customers to identify with the image. For instance, if you sell DIY products to private individuals, the most effective…

A/B Testing Idea #105 - Visually display in a list format rather than a grid
Simply changing the way in which your products are displayed can make a significant difference to how comfortable your users feel interacting with your site. If you have good quality images, using a grid…

A/B Testing Idea #260 - Prioritise pictures, visual elements over lone text
“A picture paints a thousand words”. Indeed, the human brain learns and retains information much better when it comes in the form of images rather than words. Images do not require translation…

A/B Testing Idea #267 - Display pictures of your team members to enhance their trustworthiness
Obviously you want your site to look professional, but using photos taken from a database showing suited and booted workers with sparkling white smiles will ring as untrue to most customers. Instead, …

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