20 A/B Testing Ideas Using The 'Social Proof' Principle
This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues.

A/B Testing Idea #10 - Include testimonials (with name, logo and face) on your home page
If you have positive reviews about your products or services then display them on your homepage. Having this "social proof" as one of the first things visitors will see is a proven and&…

A/B Testing Idea #14 - Display the number of "likes" next to your product
Displaying the number of people who have already "liked" your product is an effective persuasion tool. Research has shown that we have a strong tendency to copy others' choices and behaviour…

A/B Testing Idea #35 - Display customer testimonials right under the product
If you have positive reviews about your products or services then make sure they are clearly displayed; showing this "social proof" from your customer's peers is an effective persuasion …

A/B Testing Idea #88 - Add human pictures to your testimonials
Adding human pictures to your testimonials and will lend them an extra credibility and therefore lead users to place more trust in them. People are likely to connect more immediately with a visual …

A/B Testing Idea #146 - Show customers' feedback near offering or Call-to-action
Showing potential customers the positive feedback from others who have already purchased a product, used a service or signed up for membership etc. is an effective persuasion technique. Not only does…

A/B Testing Idea #164 - Indicate "Most Popular" as your desired plan to be chosen
Marking your target plan as "Most Popular" is an effective persuasion technique to encourage customers to choose it. Research has shown that we have a strong tendency to copy others' …

A/B Testing Idea #166 - Nudge your users to use a particular payment method by indicating how many users have used it
If you have a method of payment that you would prefer your customers use for any reason (reduced fees, easier management, etc.) then you can steer them towards this option through showing the percentage…

A/B Testing Idea #167 - Mark your best products as "Popular Choice"
Marking your best products as a "Popular Choice" is an effective persuasion technique to encourage more people to make the same purchase. Research has shown that we have a strong tendency…

A/B Testing Idea #168 - Display on specialised and expert reviews for your products' endorsements
Displaying expert reviews or testimonials is an effective way of endorsing your products. The positive feedback and opinions of customer's peers is incredibly important as we often rely on this "…

A/B Testing Idea #169 - Indicate the number of users who have already created an account
Displaying the number of people who have already signed up to your website or newsletter is an effective persuasion tool. Research has shown that we have a strong tendency to copy others' choices…

A/B Testing Idea #186 - Frame your products in the best light possible: "number 1", "best selling", "fastest growing"
Studies have shown that individuals tend to follow others' choices or behaviour when trying to make decisions. We automatically presume that if lots of our peers are doing something or buying a…

A/B Testing Idea #191 - Include a section: "People who browsed this product, also bought:"
Adding a “People who viewed this product bought...” feature is an effective persuasion technique. Research has shown that we have a strong tendency to copy others' choices when we are…

A/B Testing Idea #192 - Display contextual details (such as location) to allow users to identify with the reviewer
Featured testimonials will be more credible if your users can identify with the reviewers and view them as real people rather than just disconnected words on the screen. Contextual details like location…

A/B Testing Idea #267 - Display pictures of your team members to enhance their trustworthiness
Obviously you want your site to look professional, but using photos taken from a database showing suited and booted workers with sparkling white smiles will ring as untrue to most customers. Instead, …

A/B Testing Idea #269 - To create a double funnel within the check-out, show a section which indicates: "people who bought this, also bought: ..."
On the confirmation page after purchase, display "people who bought this product also bought ..." to create a double funnel. This will encourage your customers to make a second purchase after…

A/B Testing Idea #276 - Bring attention to a popular product to facilitate the visitor to make a decision
Studies have shown that individuals tend to follow others' choices or behaviour when trying to make decisions. We automatically presume that if lots of our peers are doing something or buying a particular…

A/B Testing Idea #278 - Emphasise your users, rather than yourself, who have used and endorsed your products
Studies have shown that individuals tend to follow others' choices or behaviour when trying to make decisions. We automatically presume that if lots of our peers are doing something or buying a particular…

A/B Testing Idea #283 - Indicate the number of individuals who bought the product close to the call-to-action
Studies have shown that individuals tend to follow others' choices or behaviour when trying to make decisions. We automatically presume that if lots of our peers are doing something or buying a particular…

A/B Testing Idea #296 - If connected via Facebook, indicate how many friends have purchased or signed up
If you offer your customers the option to sign in using Facebook then make the most of this advantage. Indeed, using Facebook is a good way to quickly access data about a customer but that's not the…

A/B Testing Idea #297 - Allow users to identify themselves with a certain category of people, and then show them content based on their choice
Allow users to identify themselves with a certain category of people and then submit introduce the products that match with their needs can have several advantages. First, your customer feels included…

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