
250 Best A/B Testing Ideas Based On Neuromarketing

This is the ultimate library of the Best A/B Testing Ideas: We have compiled 250 A/B Testing Ideas that you can try on your website to optimize your conversion rates and increase your revenues. Most of these A/B Testing Ideas are already used by the leading eCommerce and Saas websites (such as Amazon, Booking.com, Dropbox, etc).

Aesthetic-Usability Effect
See definition
Ambiguity Effect
See definition
Anchoring Effect
See definition
Attention Ratio
See definition
Attentional bias
See definition
Authority Principle
See definition
Autonomy bias
See definition
Base rate fallacy
See definition
Ben Franklin Effect
See definition
Centre-Stage Effect
See definition
Cheerleader Effect
See definition
Choice Closure
See definition
Choice-supportive bias
See definition
Cognitive Dissonance
See definition
Cognitive Ease
See definition
Cognitive Friction
See definition
Commitment and Consistency
See definition
Contrast Principle
See definition
Curse of Knowledge
See definition
Decoy Effect
See definition
Default Effect
See definition
Endowment Effect
See definition
Extrinsic Motivation
See definition
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
See definition
Focusing Effect
See definition
Foot-in-the-door Technique (FITD)
See definition
Framing Effect
See definition
Gaze Cueing
See definition
Halo Effect
See definition
Having vs Using effect
See definition
Hobson's +1 Choice Effect
See definition
Illusion of Control
See definition
Immediacy effect
See definition
In-group Bias
See definition
Information Bias
See definition
Intention and Self-regulation
See definition
Loss Aversion
See definition
Magnitude Encoding Process
See definition
Mere-exposure Effect
See definition
Metaphor Effect
See definition
Motivating-Uncertainty Effect
See definition
Need for Certainty/Uncertainty
See definition
Pain of Paying
See definition
Paradox of Choice
See definition
Partitioned Pricing
See definition
Perceived Value Pricing
See definition
Physical Attractiveness
See definition
Picture Superiority Effect
See definition
Processing Efficacy
See definition
Psychological Reactance
See definition
Psychology of Consumption
See definition
Recency Effect
See definition
Reciprocity Principle
See definition
Reference Pricing
See definition
Representativeness Heuristic
See definition
Risk Compensation
See definition
Salience Effect
See definition
See definition
Self-efficacy Theory
See definition
Serial Position Effect
See definition
Single-option Aversion
See definition
Split-attention Effect
See definition
Sunk Cost Effect
See definition
Time versus Money Effect
See definition
Visual Cueing
See definition
Visual Depiction Effect
See definition
Von Restorff Effect
See definition
Weber's Law
See definition
Zeigarnik Effect
See definition
Zero-Risk Bias
See definition
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